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To call 2020 an eventful year is perhaps a big understatement.
There have been both highs and lows, with the coronavirus standing out as the one major event that changed the world as we knew it. Many merchants were forced to take their businesses online, while employees learned to make do with working from home and the struggles that can arise from it.
There were many missed birthday parties, weddings, and other important celebrations as we were all told to stay safe and stay home to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. With all that time spent at home, many have taken to the internet not only for work, but also to help kickstart a new hobby, to find a new show to binge-watch, or even a game to play.
Helping to capture and tabulate the most searched topics on the internet is Google with their annual Year in Search which helps to show what Singaporean online users have been turning to on Google these past 12 months.
Interestingly, the top three most search tech terms on Google are related to online teleconferencing programmes Zoom and Google Meet, with the question of “How to change Zoom background” being the number one search term. It seems with being stuck at home, being able to change your background to an office setting or a photo of the outdoors can help to cheer one up a little. Geeks can also choose from a wide number of DC, Parasite, and anime backgrounds to use during their Zoom meetings.
Trending Tech Tips
- How to change Zoom background
- How to use Zoom
- How to use Google Meet
- How to delete Instagram account
- How to recall email in Outlook
- How to print screen on Windows
- How to use PayNow
- How to change Instagram icon
- How to scan QR code
- How to transfer iPhone to iPhone
Speaking of Zoom, it was the top trending download for 2020, with Valorant, Teamviewer, and Steam following closely behind. It seems games are just as important to Singaporeans aside from work-related programmes.
Trending Downloads
- Zoom
- Valorant
- TeamViewer
- Steam
- Discord
- Microsoft Teams
- Google Meet
- Skype
- TraceTogether app
Aside from games, another means of entertainment Singaporeans engaged in was binge-watching TV shows and movies, with the Academy Award-winning Parasite topping the charts for Trending Movies among Singaporeans. The film performed so well overall that it is even getting a live-action adaptation starring Mark Ruffalo and Tilda Swinton. It is followed by Disney’s live-action Mulan adaptation and Christopher Nolan’s Tenet. Other top movies watched by Singaporeans include Netflix’s Enola Holmes and The Old Guard.
Trending Movies
- Parasite
- Mulan
- Tenet
- Train to Busan 2
- 1917
- Birds of Prey
- Enola Holmes
- Soorarai Pottru
- The Old Guard
- Greenland
The last few months of 2020 have also seen the release of a number of smartphones, such as the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro Max which tops the charts for Trending Phones among Singaporeans. It seems many are looking to see which mobile phone to use for the upcoming year. Other phones on the list include Samsung S20 and Google Pixel 4a.
Trending Phones
- iPhone 12
- iPhone 12 Pro Max
- iPhone SE
- Samsung S20
- iPhone 11
- Samsung Note 10
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone 12 Mini
- Google Pixel 4a
- Samsung Note 10 Ultra
Though 2020 have been a tumultuous year, to say the least, it is evident that Singaporeans are making the most of what we are given and have found interesting and fun ways to cope with having to stay indoors. With 2021 on the horizon, we can’t help but wonder how different the trends for next year will be.