
Ryan Reynolds Invites Razer CEO Tan Min-Liang To Join X-Force After Generous Surgical Mask Donation

With the world currently in crisis with the COVID-19 outbreak, heroes have risen to the occasion to offer some much-needed help. While Singapore-based Razer is typically known for putting out some stellar gaming accessories and gear, it has become an unlikely hero as of late, and its recent heroics has not gone unnoticed – certainly not in the eyes of a one Ryan Reynolds.

Recently, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan talked about the company’s donation of 1 million surgical masks globally on Twitter, requesting that anyone who wants a mask reply his Tweet with their address, after which a mask will be shipped to them.

This charitable act has no doubt raised the spirits of the Internet community, but it also roused the attention of the Deadpool and Free Guy actor, who responded in kind:

Tan went on to express his bewilderment:

Of course, as Tan pointed out, it was probably the closest thing to the Merc with a Mouth roping him over to join his X-Force task group, as seen in the second movie.

While this online exchange was certainly entertaining to see, it highlights the spirited efforts of the community at large banding together to take the fight to the coronavirus pandemic in hopes of keeping it at bay. And speaking of which, here’s a slew of free content you might want to consider consuming during this period, including TV shows, games, e-books and audiobooks.