
Paul Bettany Returns For Marvel’s Vision Spin-Off Series With Star Trek: Picard’s Terry Matalas

Marvel Studios is gearing up to delve deeper into the narrative of Vision, the character brought to life by Paul Bettany, in a brand new Disney+ series set for a 2026 release, as reported by Variety. This ambitious project, formerly known as Vision Quest, is stirring excitement among fans, especially following the character’s dramatic arc in WandaVision.

Vision, led by showrunner Terry Matalas of Star Trek: Picard fame, promises to explore the existential journey of Vision as he seeks his new purpose after the events of WandaVision. Here, we saw the intriguing creation of a White Vision, reactivated by S.W.O.R.D. using Wanda Maximoff’s powers. The series finale left fans on a cliffhanger, with Vision’s memories being transferred before he mysteriously flew off, setting the stage for this upcoming exploration.

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While the show’s details remain shrouded in mystery, anticipation is high. Vision marks the second spinoff from WandaVision, following Agatha All Along, which stars Kathryn Hahn as the witch Agatha Harkness. This series too is eagerly awaited and is slated to premiere on Disney+ in September 2024.

Paul Bettany is confirmed to return, continuing his portrayal of Vision, a character that spans across significant Marvel Cinematic Universe films and series. From his origins as Tony Stark’s A.I., J.A.R.V.I.S., to his physical embodiment in Age of Ultron, and the poignant moments in Avengers: Infinity War, Bettany’s Vision has evolved into a deeply complex figure. This new series is expected to further this evolution, diving into his rebuilt psyche post-WandaVision.

Terry Matalas, celebrated for his work on 12 Monkeys and Star Trek: Picard, steps in as showrunner, promising to infuse the series with a blend of sci-fi mastery and deep narrative engagement. His recent endeavours suggest he’s well-suited to navigate the rich, emotional landscapes required for a story centred on artificial intelligence grappling with human emotions.


While Vision aims to chart its course, it carries the legacy of its precursor, WandaVision, renowned for its inventive storytelling and deep emotional resonance. As the series progresses towards its premiere, it stands as a beacon of Marvel’s continuous exploration of its characters beyond the confines of cinematic releases.

Marvel’s expanding universe on Disney+ also includes upcoming series like Daredevil: Born Again and Ironheart. Meanwhile, fans can also look forward to Noir, another Marvel series featuring Nicolas Cage, which is being developed for Amazon Prime Video.

Vision is set to stream on Disney+ in 2026.