Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Will Tie Worlds From Previous Games Together Come September 2022

Monolith Soft and Nintendo announced Xenoblade Chronicles 3 during the latest Nintendo Direct, which will explore the future of the sprawling world built up over the previous two games. This is a series that has won the hearts of many JRPG fans, and given the long playtime of games within the genre, that is not an easy thing to do.

Both Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are critically acclaimed JRPGs that feature massive open worlds and real-time combat. The trailer shows that the third game in the series will likely continue to feature a gorgeous world, an epic story, and thrilling combat.

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Each game in the series follows a different cast of characters, and with Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the protagonists include Noah and Mio. They are caught in the conflict between the nations of Keves and Agnus. There will also be more characters who have a stake in the fate of the world, with stories for players to dig into. Judging from the trailer, the stakes of the game will be high, with the tension between friendship and allegiance being stretched taut, maybe even to breaking point.

The game is also going to tie the futures of the worlds from the previous games together, which is going to be a treat for those who played those games and can appreciate the way the settings of the first two games are merged.

While the trailer doesn’t reveal specific gameplay mechanics, it does mention that the game will be released for the Nintendo Switch in September 2022. For those who haven’t gotten a Nintendo Switch, this game is one reason among many others to do so on Amazon!