
Save Up Now For These Official LEGO Overwatch Sets!

While some of their thunder has been stolen by a leak that’s made its way across the Internet like wildfire, Blizzard and LEGO have now officially unveiled their Overwatch LEGO sets — which don’t spring anything new on us, but look gorgeous nevertheless. Those adorable minifigs are sure to burrow their way into many a fan’s hearts. If you need a refresher on the sets available, take a gander at them again:

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D.Va and Reinhardt (75973) 455 Pieces US$39.99
Bastion (75974) 602 Pieces US$49.99
Watchpoint: Gibraltar (75975) 730 Pieces US$89.99
Dorado Showdown (75972) 419 Pieces US$29.99
Hanzo vs. Genji (75971) 197 Pieces US$19.99
Tracer vs. Widowmaker (75970) 129 Pieces US$14.99

The only mildly unfortunate news is that, the sets will only hit stores on January 1, 2019, which is quite pointedly after the holidays — although maybe some of our Overwatch-loving buddies will acquiesce to belated presents if these are going to be on the table.