
Neil Druckmann Says Naughty Dog’s Next Project Could Redefine Gaming

Developer Naughty Dog is setting ambitious expectations for its next project, as studio head Neil Druckmann teased a new game that would be one of the most thrilling yet. The studio is most known for hit games Uncharted and The Last of Us. which was recently adapted into a TV series.

naughty dog new game

“I’ve been lucky to work on several dream projects and am currently excited about a new one, which is perhaps the most thrilling yet,” said Druckmann in an interview with Sony, “… I’m eager to see how this new game resonates, especially following the success of The Last of Us, as it could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.”

It looks like this project will not be The Last of Us Part III, which was previously teased as a possibility in 2023 if “[the team] can come up with a compelling story that has this universal message and statement about love,” but no updates about a Part III have surfaced since.

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There’s plenty of potential for a new game franchise to enter the fray, and we’re excited to see the direction the studio explores next for its game in development.