
Amazon’s The Boys Is Out, It’s Amazing… And It’s Not Streaming In Singapore

Update 29 July 2019 2200: It would appear The Boys is streaming on the web, but not on the mobile nor the TV app.

Do let us know if you’re encountering the same issues.

You know what sucks? Bad superhero stories. You know what sucks even more? Good superhero stories but you can’t even freaking watch them in your region, despite having access to the streaming service it’s on.

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The latest comic-book-turned-live-action-show, The Boys, is finally out, after much anticipation. But guess what? Folks in Singapore and possibly elsewhere in Southeast Asia are unable to catch it on Amazon Prime Video.

the boys singapore amazon

Like the rest of the world, many on the Little Red Dot were no doubt stoked to see the badass CIA squad take down a team of unruly superheroes in eight episodes of bloody (pun intended) good ass-kicking action, but it seems that Amazon forgot to add Singapore to the list. If you were to search for the show on your Prime Video app, it won’t appear. Weird.

singapore the boys amazon

The Boys has been binged by many over the weekend, and so far has received more than favourable reviews across the likes of IMDb (9.1 / 10) and Metacritic (73). The extolling continues to roll in, and for good measure.

Sadly, those who reside in Singapore would have to resort to less than favourable means of catching the eight-episode adaptation of Garth Ennis’ award-winning comic book series.

If you’ve read the comic book you’d know the series is hyperviolent (and at times sexual as well) so it might have to do with Asian sensibilities. Could this be the censors at work?

the boys amazon prime video

We’re not sure whether Amazon Prime Singapore will eventually include The Boys on the Singapore catalogue, but we’re hoping.

In an entertainment era saturated with typical superhero stories, shows like HBO’s Watchmen and Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy no doubt serve as a nice palate-cleanser for many. If we could even watch them.