
Dying Light 2 Is Revealed By Techland To Be A Cross-Gen Title

With the next-generation consoles having been already announced by their respective developers, it is imperative for games to start developing their titles with this in mind. One such title that is prepared for the arrival of next-gen consoles is the upcoming action RPG by Techland, Dying Light 2

In a recent interview with Wccftech, Techland’s chief technology officer Paweł Rohleder revealed that the game has been designed from the very start as a cross-generation game

“Techland always has an eye on the latest new toys,” said Rohleder. “To be more specific – yes, the plan since the beginning of production has been to make Dying Light 2 a cross-generation title.”

Of course, there is still no news on when these next-gen consoles, namely the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Project Scarlett, will arrive but it is still good to know that there are game developers out there prepared for their release.

In the interview, Rohleder also discussed a little more about Dying Light 2, as well as its new protagonist, Aiden Caldwell and his motivations.

“We don’t want to give away too much about Aiden’s background and his arc at this stage, but it’s safe to say his goals aren’t static. They shift throughout the game as he learns more about himself, the City, and the inhabitants. And aside from Aiden’s personal goals, his agenda is also influenced (or aligned with) various other factions in the City – and they also depend heavily on what the players themselves want to accomplish in the landscape of the City.”

Aside from working on their upcoming game, Techland has also revealed that the team is still working on DLC for the original Dying Light. So fans can definitely look forward to more zombie-filled content to keep them occupied till the next game is released. 

Dying Light 2 is set to launch in early 2020 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.