Wonder Woman is pretty much the most successful title in the DCEU and it’s still generating a whole lot of buzz with the premiere of the first Wonder Woman 1984 trailer at CCXP in São Paulo.
Even though the second film of the franchise is only set to release on June 5, 2020, Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot were eager to share their excitement for the franchise and the possibilities of what lies ahead during their interview with Deadline.

“I’m super excited to finally people look at what we’ve been doing because there are two things I really care about,” said Jenkins. She went on to talk about how the film delivers a message that she fervently believes in while allowing her to create something she could never create again.
When asked about the future of the franchise, Jenkins mentions in passing a potential Amazon movie stating: “We already have it all mapped out — it’s just a matter of will we change our minds and when.”

Fans would kill for an Amazon movie and although the second film isn’t out yet, there’s definitely going to be demand for a third one. However, fans are going to have to wait a long while before we hear any more news on the matter.
“I think what we don’t want to do is do it back to back. It’s been great doing these two movies back to back, but I think it’s important to give it a little rest in between — and I like doing other things in between. And Gal has other things to do. I never want to make decisions too far in advance. We have to see if we both feel like making the movie we think we want to make when the moment comes.”

It’s a shame we won’t see Gal Gadot for a while after Wonder Woman 1984. But, if we can get a Cyborg or Flash standalone movie then, we have no complaints.