The most-downloaded PS Plus game of 2020, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, has a new home. Epic Games recently announced the addition of Mediatonic into their family.
Mediatonic hopes to see that the joint force with Epic Games – the developer of Fortnite – will give Fall Guys a boost to expand with new content and features that players can look forward to that are similar to what Epic Games has done with their own creations such as cross-play, squad vs squad modes and more.
“Beyond the shared vision among our teams, we see tremendous potential in combining forces with Epic. Whether it’s about making our own games the best they can be or empowering other game developers to take their content from a kernel of an idea to commercial success, we know that together we will be able to reach greater heights,” said Paul Croft, co-founder of Tonic Games Group.
Although a change in developer tends to mean a change in game dynamic, Mediatonic assures that Fall Guys’ “gameplay isn’t changing” and that Epic Games will continue to support the mission that the parent company has put in place when the smash hit game was first created.
“With Epic, we feel like we have found a home that was made for us. They share our mission to build and support games that have a positive impact, empower others and stand the test of time and we couldn’t be more excited to be joining forces with their team,” said Dave Bailey, CEO of Tonic Games Group.
Additionally, Mediatonic has mentioned that the plan for Fall Guys to be brought to Nintendo Switch and Xbox will remain.
Currently, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is still available on Steam and PlayStation alike for those who wish to have a go with the hit game.