Captain America: Brave New World is gearing up for its 2025 premiere, with exclusive new stills being shared with Entertainment Weekly. Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie (Twisted Metal) is back in action to assemble a new crew, with Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones)’s President Ross joining the fray.
Sam Wilson, the next Captain America after Steve Rogers’ retirement, was last seen in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier earning the mantle of his predecessor, and he’s ready to lead the charge with a new suit and the signature shield. Mackie also teased that the film would be “”10 times bigger” than The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, “One of the biggest conversations we had from the beginning was for this not to be Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Part 2, for this to be its own movie with its own story, with its own characters.”
Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, who first appeared in The Incredible Hulk, gets elected as President, though he seems to share a more amicable relationship with the current Captain America, and has to deal with a leak in his Cabinet. When Ross gets attacked in an assassination attempt, it’s up to Sam Wilson to rise to the challenge, and prove his worth.
Captain America: Brave New World will feel like a “reset”, Mackie also revealed, ” “I think with these movies, you’re getting a clear, new branding of what Marvel is headed towards the same way they did with Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”
The film is set to release in theatres on 14 February 2025.