
Geek Review: Floor Kids

To say that Floor Kids is a game that is the only one of its kind is by no means a stretch. The brainchild of Canadian DJ Kid Koala, together with artist JonJon, Floor Kids is an unapologetic love letter to the art of breakdancing and hip-hop music, and that passion shines through.

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Matching the intricate art of breakdancing to the trappings of the rhythm game genre, Floor Kids takes some getting used to. Just like the art form it is showcasing, breakdancing is not an easy performance. If you happen to be a klutz on the dancefloor like this reviewer, chances are that you will have plenty to learn, before you can master the system in Floor Kids.

With the basic moves divided into Toprock/Downrock, either stance will allow you to perform different moves depending on which button you hit, and of course, along with the beat and tempo of the song playing in the background.

Add in Freezes and Power Moves and you have more options to mess up with. And twice every sequence, a Breakdown will occur, which is a freestyle-like segment that requires precise timing, to bust out moves in sync with the beat.

Doing all of that sounds straightforward enough, but the true experts are able to call upon their repertoire of moves that can be mixed and matched seamlessly to form amazing dancing combos. Not only will this score you some extra points, it is also visually pleasing to see the action unfold, much like what you will see in reality.

The crowd will also begin to get into it the better you perform, shouting out for moves that can earn you even more bonus points. Execute your dance moves, link them up smoothly, nail your transitions, and you will become Floor Kids’ royalty.

While the journey to becoming adept at the system of Floor Kids is highly rewarding, the endgame does not maintain its sheen for long. It becomes a chore of matching your chosen routine to the different songs once you figure out the best combinations of moves and transitions.

One could argue that this is exactly what the real pros can do, but in terms of variety, gameplay-wise, it becomes repetitive and a lack of different movesets or abilities makes Floor Kids a game that’s not geared for the long haul.

Thankfully, the soundtrack and beats you will be breaking it down to are downright filthy. With Kid Koala providing a double album’s worth of music that is reminiscent of the 90s and classic Bboy anthems, it makes failing hurt a little less when the tunes are so good.

Much like the sound and the game, the visuals of Floor Kids are quite uniquely their own, with the hand-drawn aesthetic lending an air of authenticity to the entire nature of Floor Kids and the medium it is promoting. Despite its relatively rough nature, one cannot help but admire the choice of art style for the parallels to the 90s.

As a one-of-a-kind experience, Floor Kids is utterly enjoyable and a treat to look at and listen to. The distinctive art, the captivating tunes, and the obvious passion put into the game more than makes up for the flaws. It may lack the depth and variety of most games, but it carves a niche that has not been discovered until now, and gamers should give Floor Kids a chance and experience something never before seen.



An utterly unique experience that appeals to a certain crowd, Floor Kids will draw you in with its awesome beats and flashy dance moves, but not for long.

  • Gameplay - 7/10
  • Story - 7/10
  • Presentation - 9/10
  • Value - 7/10
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