
Here’s A Sneak Peek At The Brand New World of Warcraft Comic “Reunion”

Thirteen years. That’s how long since we first laid eyes on the release of World of Warcraft. Considering that the MMO has cemented itself as part of Blizzard crown jewel of IPs, we’re now close to the release of the seventh expansion, the Battle for Azeroth.

Depending on how much you’ve played or read all the Wikis for World of Warcraft, there’s plenty of lore to catch up on with the heroes of Azeroth but Blizzard has become more than well versed in creating complementary content to further flesh out the world. After all, there is only so much content that can be squeezed into the game and some players, aided with mods and all, are more than happy to power through quests without picking up a single bit of flavour text.

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The thing in vogue with the Blizzard folks these days is the use of comics to help plug all the gaps that might be found in the game. After the destruction of Theramore Isle, Jaina Proudmoore is no longer the mage that most players might remember her to be. War changes individuals and Jaina is but another victim.

We’ve had the opportunity to get a quick peek at Blizzard’s upcoming comic, Reunion, by Christie Golden and Andrew Robinson, one full day before it’s full release on 23 May 2018.

Do stay tuned for the full release on the World of Warcraft official site and if you’re looking for an entire backstory to how the entire destruction of Theramore Isle came about this fantastic fan video will be able to help you out –