
SUTD Game Lab Returns With Upcoming Puzzle Game Kinetikos For Mobile In 2018

Back in 2015, SUTD Game Lab demonstrated their expertise of the puzzle genre through Singapore’s first PlayStation 4 title One Upon Light. An innovative shadow-based game, it features a photophobic protagonist who has to manipulate objects in the environment to create a path of shadows.

Needless to say, players are greeted with intriguing puzzles at every turn of the game as their problem-solving skills and intellectual prowess are put to the test. Gradually, One Upon Light became known for its unique narrative and perplexing conundrums.

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As it turns out, that isn’t about to change anytime soon.

Meet Kinetikos, an upcoming project helmed by a brand-new team that explores the push-and-pull mechanics of gravity. Following a lab experiment gone wrong, the player is thrust into a world of floating isles and blue skies, while attempting to navigate through the strong in-game gravitational force field.

For a dash of nostalgia and customisability, a level editor is included as well, where different puzzles can be shared among players. Whoever said solving problems must be a monotonous chore?


While Kinetikos is pretty much still in development, progress seems to be on the right track. It takes on a Portal-esque approach, in which one has to interactive with objects, and bend the laws of physics in various creative ways. A tapestry of vibrant and colourful art, the game also features mobile-specific elements, with sharp graphics and smooth gameplay to boot.

And speaking of gameplay, the in-game puzzles are shaping up to be fairly difficult, so they should serve as healthy brain workouts for those who relish a good mental challenge.

SUTD Game Lab’s new game is slated for release in the first quarter of 2018 on both Android and iOS – a logical choice, given how mobile gaming slowly becoming a norm in Singapore. With refreshing additions to an age-old concept, Kinetikos may just end up making a name for itself in the consumer market.