
Alien Anthology Blu-ray – 2 Sets to be Given Away!

This one’s for Aliens fans! We’re giving away 2 Alien Anthology Blu-ray Sets (US version). And guess what? We’ll ship it anywhere WORLDWIDE just for you geeks!

What do you have to do to stand a chance of winning? Simply click LIKE at the top of this post, and leave a COMMENT below, along with your name and email, and TELL US what makes YOU such a huge Alien fan. We’ll pick our 2 favourite comments at 23:59hrs on 16 June (GMT+8). Good luck!

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Pretty, isn’t it?

Now here’s a quick description of what each set contains: Brace yourself for a whole new breed of Blu-ray: Four powerful films…eight thrilling versions…in dazzling, terrifying, high-def clarity with the purest digital sound on the planet. Two bonus discs and over 65 hours of archival and never-before-seen content, including the totally immersive MU-TH-UR mode feature, makes this definitive Alien collection!


  • The winners have been chosen! Congrats to Robert and Garin Wilson! You will be contacted by email shortly. Stay tuned for more giveaways in the near future!

  • I always loved playing the Halo series and when i heard that it was based off these movies they became a must see on my list…. was not disappointed!

  • My Dad scared the hell out of me the first time I watched Alien with him when I was 10. After that terror I learned everything about the alien franchise I could. We’re talkin fan for life. I can’t wait to scare the hell out of my own kids with these one say.

  • I first saw the alien movies with my husband about 3 years ago. Since then i have become a fan to such an extent that I’ve seen the films enough times to quote them and I even used Alien as the primary subject matter in a lecture given at a premier Christian University. In fact I’m watching it with my husband and another first timer as I write this.

  • Alien led to be becoming a graphic artist. After seeing the first Alien film I became obsessed with creature. This of course lead me to the works of H.R. Giger. When I was younger I scrimped and saved to afford his books. When I wasn’t doing that I spent a lot of time drawing aliens and other Giger-esque stuff. Long story short, it got me drawing a lot and lead me to a career in graphic design.

  • i love alien franchise because of the way they reproduce.. xD
    i can’t stop loving facehuggers and how new born aliens take traits of their host species ^_^

  • I love the Alien movies. I have been watching them for longer than I can remember. For me they satisfy a small amount of our craving to explore the vastness of space. Exploring new worlds, new everything. And the terror of being the first to see something new, something malicious and unknown.

  • I love Alien because they made a Predator movie out of it. And the rest are history.

  • What makes me a huge Aliens fan … it all started when Mum took me to see Alien at the local drive-in when I was 9. It was a double feature with Rocky Horror Picture Show, two films a nine year old should not really see. Scared the Hell out of me but since that night I have not looked back, I still can’t watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show but the franchise is a regular in my pile of want to watch DVDs diet.

  • I saw aliens for the first time when I was a teenager, and it was scary as hell.. but then in the end Sigourney Weaver stands there in thoose small white panties looking hot as hell, and my teenager hormones went beserk – so basically that movie filled the entire emotions scale for me 🙂

  • The first time I saw Alien I was like 12 years old and when I saw the xenomorph I get scared and in shock, I LOVED IT!!!!! , it was on the tv at midnight I can’t remember why I was awake at that hour but what I saw really change my life for ever, Since that moment I became in a huge fan of the master piece of Sci Fi Horror, I love all the movies! especially the first one of ridley scott (The Scariest Movie Ever Made!!) and Aliens by james cameron! Ripley is like my goddess, I really love the acting of the Sigourney weaver on all the movies, shes my hero of all time and I love her. unfortunately in the country that I live (Venezuela) I cant find this awesome Alien athology Blu-ray that I would like to have In my little geek room.

    Sorry for my bad english. good luck to everyone and remember:

    In space no one can hear you Scream. 🙂

  • I love the Alien Tetralogy because it is a wonderful tale about pregnancy !

  • I saw Alien as a kid and ever since everytime I see big teeth I think Alien it’s hidden among us!!

  • When I was a kid, my uncle introduced me to the Alien franchise. It was horror to me at first and then it became a pastime. I loved the facehuggers. Getting to know such an interesting reproductive process sure didn’t help my childhood though.

    Years later, my kid brother told me that he had found out about one of the most interesting movie anywhere. And that was “Aliens”. And then I introduced him to the other movies, even going into AvP territory. Watching all those films with my brother was such a fulfilling experience. Now I can’t wait to watch them again with my son perhaps.

  • A couple of years ago. I got so hooked with the Alien franchise so much that I stuffed a hard boiled egg into out maid’s mouth hoping that some alien baby would come out of her tummy, obviously it was roleplay. Sadly, she went on rage and rage quits her job. My mom blamed me for losing our helper who’s been with us for less than a decade.

  • When I was a kid, these movies gave me nightmares. Would be fun to relive that experience with my kids. :))

  • this is the time my girlfriend would understand why i love the alien franchise.

  • Rest of the Geeks (aka Hudson): That’s it, man. Game over, man. Game over, what the fuck are we supposed to now, huh, what are we gonna do?

    Tom: Just slide the Blu-Ray to me and back away!

    The Alien series has been a go to movie throughout my childhood, teenage years, twenties and now thirties – I need these Blu-Rays in y life so I can continue to enjoy it in high quality for years to come.

  • Humanity has tried so hard for so long, and have invested so much into developing technologies and continuing the process of learning about ourselves, our world, and the universe beyond. And yet, if any (extreme) extraterrestrial contact actually happened, we’d learn so much more INSTANTLY. What’s worse, our world could be threatened, but then that would also bring out the best in all of us. Alien is a masterful work of film, and a huge part of keeping those POSSIBILITIES in perspective while remaining entertaining. That is why I’m a fan. Cheers!

  • The only true sci-fi horror films to grace our eyes. Alien and aliens gave you that feeling of constantly being watched, no matter where you are.

  • I was going to enter this contest to win the anthology, but I’m not sure I want to if it doesn’t include Prometheus.

  • Never owned these movies, always wanted to though.When I was little I would stay up because they would mostly come on at night…mostly.

  • I love the Alien Franchise, but I don’t down any of the movies. Do your part to help prevent piracy and send me one of the sets please.

  • I am in love with Ripley, I must see her in HD! 😀
    But also I am completely gobsmacked by Ridley Scott’s creativity in making this low-budget film ($8.4mln anyone?) into the all-time cultural achievement. Honestly, I can’t get enough of making-of books and documentaries

  • The developers at Portal once explained that one of the biggest hurdles of level design was getting players into the habit of looking up at the ceiling or on walls behind them.

    Clearly those players have never watched this franchise and that is why WE will survive the xenomorph infestation apocalypse.

  • I’m a huge Alien series fan since my childhood. Best sci-fi movies in the memories. Would like to see it in HD bluray versions! Gimme gimme! 😛

  • It’s simple, it’s the xenomorph design plus the over-all creepiness of the settings! All movies are captivating and AWESOME to say the very least!

  • First I brought all VCD version, then DVD version. And now, Blu-ray ! A MUST !!!

  • Have started being a fan of Aliens ever since watching AVP and AVPR. Ridley Scott’s Alien is nothing short of a masterpiece. Technically brilliant, tense, horrifying and visually breathtaking! James Cameron’s Aliens is easily one of the best sequels ever made. Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection look pretty great as well, but a touch softer than the other two films. Can’t wait to get hold of the discs 5 and 6 of this package! The bonuses and archive stuff are great addition to this epic collection! 🙂

  • Got very interested in when a friend showed me the graphic novel. One of the few times I would watch something scary 😛

  • Turning corners and looking at the ceiling was never the same after being introduced to Aliens for the first time at the age of 11…

  • My childhood will never be the same without Alien. When I’ve first seen it when I was just like 7, (yes, when I was just 7!!!) Ridley Scott’s “Alien” gave me the first ever impression of the possibility that an Alien creature tends to be very dangerous and predatory. In a childhood when extra-terrestrial are perceived to be friendly, trivial or tries to bridge the gap to co-exist, “Alien” broke all these barriers and benchmark by combining the genre of sci-fi and horror. I love Alien because it helped to establish my appreciation for sci-fi horror genre as one of my favorites. And thanks to Alien for being revolutionary, I have no problem loving dark sci-fi movies of the same kind like “The Thing” or “Predator” 🙂

  • ALIEN opens up a world of imagination in me! I’ve read almost all the novels, read the comics (Haven’t collected them all), went to find out the different types (THe Aquatic Mermaidlike Alien (Swimmers) are my favourite. Jaws has NOTHING on them.), and I Love the crossovers Where ALIENS are vs SUperman, Green Lantern, Batman, Predator…ANYTHING WITH THEM XENOMORPHS. I’ll watch any show with them inside, even AVP and AVP2, even if I have to gripe over how it was different in the comics, and sometimes I just wonder the different Xenomorph types that will come out of any creature type (How many legs would a Xenomoprh / Centaur Hybrid have ?).

    Oh. DId I mention I’m a fan?

  • Alien was one of the first horror movies I ever experienced and it opened me up to the entire genre. There was just so much work put into the atmosphere of the first movie that I was pulled into the universe in an instant. To this day it stands as a testament to how much power horror movies can hold over you. H.R. Giger’s work is incredible; he created one of the most sinister and recognizable creatures in Sci-fi history and has been an inspiration for much of my own artwork. Aliens dropped the horror for a more action/adventure tone, but expanded upon Ridley Scott’s original in a fantastic way. I grew up with these films and I’d be hard pressed to name a series that has been more interesting or influential to my own tastes and art. I couldn’t imagine a world without Alien, it’d be “Game over, man.”

      • Yeeeessss!!!! Thank you Yonk! I’m so pumped to spend many, many nights with these blu-rays!

  • I’m such a huge fan of this franchise and I love an artwork of H.R.Giger.
    I love the design and atmosphere of the movies. It’s such a thrill and exciting movies.

  • Seeing the original “Alien” made me a fan, seeing the second film made me a disciple

  • I’ve been hooked on the ALIEN franchise eversince i was a kid. Even dreamed and wished that stuff like that was real so i could experience it firsthand. Getting to own and watch the antjology set over and over will be clise to living that dream. More power to all of us geeks!