
Google Maps Now Shows Singaporeans Where The Closest Vaccine Centres Are

With stricter COVID-19 restrictions implemented by the Singapore government for Phase 2 (heightened alert) and community cases rising, more and more Singaporeans are seeing the importance of taking the vaccination sooner than planned.

Currently, only front liners and Singapore residents aged 45 and above are eligible to register their interests and book a slot for their vaccinations before heading to a vaccine centre to get the jab.

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Of course, there are plenty of vaccine centre located in Singapore the stretches from East-based Changi Airport Terminal to neighbourhood community centres in the Northern and Western regions of the country, but which one is near you? Google Maps has got you.

Google Maps can now tell you where the closest vaccine centre is and how to get there with these 3 simple steps:

  1. Open Google Maps on your phone or preferred device
  2. Search ‘Vaccine Centre Singapore
  3. Reveal the list of locations

In order for this trick to work, you must share your location with the app. All locations listed were put together in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Singapore.

Appointments for vaccinations must be booked prior to visiting the vaccine centres so make sure you Google which centre is the closest to you before making your appointment.

Searching for COVD-19 vaccination locations and testing centers on Google Maps is available so far in US and in France with Singapore being the third country getting access to this feature globally.