PS5 console

PS5 Singapore: Scammers Are Creating Multiple Facebook Pages In An Attempt To Hook Desperate Gamers

Shortages of Sony’s PlayStation 5 and its mayhem doesn’t seem to ease off anytime soon.

It’s a shame that scalpers are not the only ones fans need to be worried about. Lately, the scarcity of these consoles has roused up scammers in joining to take advantage of the situation.

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We’ve already seen Facebook Ads from “Funan” and “Courts” offering “Giveaways” to lure in desperate fans that wish to get their hands on a console themselves.

The unfortunate situation hasn’t improved and we’re seeing more of these similar Facebook Ads of these scams happening again riding on the reputation of local game retailer Qisahn. 

The following page is an example of an impersonation and scam:

The ads are known to lead one to a Google Form to answer some questions before linking the user to another external site to collect personal information.

This is not the first time Qisahn was used for online scams and have rallied the community to take action against these scams.

In our checks, we had found that four such pages used to exist. At present, only one still is up and running.

The ease of creating a social media page and running ads has made the situation more of a whack-a-mole. While these pages will be shut down over time, it has bigger implications for the industry. For instance, if Qisahn themselves were to run advertising on Facebook, they would be competing against the scammers driving their advertising costs up.

Ultimately, only Facebook wins and sadly the situation does not look to be abating.

Thankfully, the community in Singapore is united against such a travesty and many of these ads have already been reported and removed. We do hope that the ads were taken down before anyone fell to its trickery.