
You Can Now Play A Version Of StarCraft: Remastered That Looks Like A Flash Game

Who said you can’t do zerg rushes and look straight out of a Newgrounds/Kongregate flash game in 2006 at the same time? A new visual overhaul pack for StarCraft: Remastered allows you to do just that.


Titled StarCraft: Cartooned, this DLC pack completely replaces the old 3D animated sprites and backgrounds of the original game, with a vibrant, colourful 2D animation in the vein of old flash games of old.

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This not only includes games in Skirmish mode, but also in the regular Campaign. Now you can enjoy watching Jim Raynor duke it out against the Zerg like the badass he is in cartooned glory.


The devs of the DLC pack are Carbot Animations, the same folks who do parody videos of Blizzard games. None too shabby from folks who started off doing these videos as their passion project — to be noticed by the proverbial senpai that is Blizzard and have it on their official game is the highest honour a content creator can get.

The StarCraft: Cartooned DLC pack is now available on the Battle.net store for US$9.99.