Avengers: Infinity War has the IMAX option. That’s not new, except that it’s set to become the first major Hollywood production to be completely shot in that format.
As cinema technology continues to evolve, the conventional widescreen format has included the likes of 3D, IMAX, and a combination of both. The second, in particular, has been used increasingly more and more, with Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk holding the previous record of having 75% of its runtime dedicated to it.
With the whole frame dedicated to video projection, IMAX can be considered to be the more prestigious screening format. Compared to the 21:9 aspect ratio of industry-standard films, it allows for a wider field of vision, without the black bars at the top and bottom.
Despite boasting a bigger frame size, the picture is not being stretched to fit into the screen. Rather, what you see is what you get – the actual, full frames captured by the IMAX cameras.
But how much is the difference, exactly? In the video at the top of this article, the two formats are placed together for a side-by-side comparison, and it turns out the image cropping is very obvious. The best example of IMAX use would be the airport sequence from Captain America: Civil War, known as the biggest action set piece delivered by the MCU.
You’ll have to experience it for yourself to understand – after all, seeing is believing.
A larger screen means a more immersive experience, and for movie-watchers with motion sickness, that isn’t necessarily a good thing. The nauseating sensation that comes with jerky on-screen motions and action-heavy sequences is amplified when viewed in IMAX, which can be avoided by means of steady shots.
Judging from the history of MCU films, Marvel Studios has got much expertise in this area. The composition of their action sequences all sport similar techniques, bringing a more uniform look and feel to the table. In other words, Infinity War won’t have the same problem as other action-focused works.
With the hefty cost and weight that go behind the steady cams, Marvel Studios thought ahead during the filming for Civil War to partner up with IMAX and customise a camera format. By compressing all the existing IMAX technology into a smaller form factor, the team will be able to continue using the system to shoot in the new format, up till the follow-up to Infinity War in 2019.
While all formats of the movie are ripe for the picking, the best way to go is undoubtedly IMAX. It’s expensive, but the widescreen, more immersive experience really makes a difference, especially for a film that dishes out healthy servings of action and big explosions like Infinity War.
With ten years in the making, this should be the best opportunity to splurge on a movie ticket, if ever.