
Watch In Horror As A PlayStation 5 Gets Shredded… Slowly

With the worldwide shortage on the PS5 this holiday season, and scalpers galore trying to make a quick buck off the highly sought-after next-gen console, this video is bound to tick some viewers off.

Captain Crunch Experiments did manage to get hold of a brand new PS5 (read our review), but instead decides to feed it to the shredder right out of the box. A brand new, freshly unpacked PS5, that never even got the chance to get plugged in to boot up, gets fed to the shredder, along with the DualSense controller along with its cables and packaging.

It’s painful to watch, but based on the video views, the ad revenue would probably have helped pay for the sacrifice.

The remnants of the once pristine PS5 didn’t go to waste though, as it got turned into an expensive piece of epoxy resin art:

Check out more on the PS5: