While revered mangaka Akira Toriyama might have passed on, his iconic works continue to live on with Sand Land taking its turn in the spotlight. If you’re a fan of the series, it’s time to get into a tank and traverse the world with Beezlebub, Sheriff Rao, and Thief.
Coming in as one of the most compact collector’s editions in recent memory, the Sand Land video game collector’s edition (S$209.90) contains an exclusive figure that can’t be purchased anywhere else. Here are the full contents of the entire package:
- Sand Land PS5 video game
- Beelzebub S.H. Figuarts Figurine
- Steelbook
- Postcards Set
- My Room Furniture Set: Army Base DLC
- My Room Furniture Set: Hideout DLC
- Speed Demon Pack DLC
- Beelzebub Decal Set DLC

Out of all the items the Beelzebub S.H. Figuarts figurine is a standout. However, you might want to be careful about how to pose him eventually.

The steelbook does not disappoint and would be a fine addition to your collection.
Sand Land launches 26 April on PC PlayStation 5 & 4 and Xbox Series X.
Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!