
Take The Fight To Streets Of Rage 4 On 30 April With Battle Mode

The time to throw up your fists and smash some fools is near, as DotEmu, Guard Crush Games, and Lizardcube has officially announced that Streets of Rage 4 will come to console and PC this coming 30 April.

Alongside the release date, a new trailer detailing the returning Battle Mode was shared as well. The opportunity to settle your differences between friends and rivals will take place in 8 different arenas and in Versus or Team modes.

Whether you want to learn your combos or specials, or just have a good time smashing each other, Battle Mode is the place to do it – and it will be available right from the start.

This feud-settling battleground is bound to help rivals recognize who truly is Wood Oak City’s finest alley-clearing ruffian, as well as settle grudges spurred by accidental friendly strikes during multiplayer sessions.

If you want to learn more about how the developers managed to blend the recently announced pixel art characters and the classic Streets of Rage 1 and 2 soundtracks into this new sequel, the teams had plenty to share.

“Bringing these pixel characters back to life was no easy task, but as fans it was something we were committed to and wanted to surprise you guys with,” Cyrille Imbert, Executive Producer at DotEmu shared.

“Jordi Asensio, our game designer, ripped some sprites from previous Streets of Rage games and integrated them into the Guard Crush engine. As the development went along, we realized that these sprites actually looked really good visually – with the lightning effects and all – and that having them playable was something we knew fans would love.”

The same was true for the different soundtracks as well. “What we ended up with was a mix between beautiful new sounds and old-school 16bit-era music, and it felt so right that we decided to put all our effort towards integrating this as a feature in the final game,” he shared.

You can read more about the process at the PlayStation Blog.

Streets of Rage 4 will hit PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One as well as Xbox Game Pass on 30 April.