
‘Professor Layton and the New World of Steam’ Arriving On Nintendo Switch In 2025

Six years after the last Professor Layton game, Level 5 has officially announced the release of Professor Layton and the New World of Steam on Nintendo Switch in 2025. Footage of the game is showcased in a new trailer on the official website, where fans can watch the gameplay of one of the puzzles.

Accompanying the release, the website also features a taste of the upcoming installment.

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“This game depicts the world one year after the events of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.

The story takes place in Steam Bison, America.

There, the power of highly advanced steam engines has ushered in a new world, greatly surpassing even London’s technological development.

Due to a mysterious incident in Steam Bison, a new adventure for Professor Layton and Luke begins.”

Despite Nintendo’s expected launch of the next-generation Switch in 2024, potentially called “Nintendo Switch 2”, Level 5 sets the game’s release specifically for Nintendo Switch in 2025. This might also be part of Nintendo’s promise to continue releasing games for the Nintendo Switch into 2025.

Professor Layton

It’s still unconfirmed if this upcoming installment of Professor Layton will also be released on the potential Nintendo Switch successor. However, with the game’s distant release date of 2025, it makes sense for dual platform release.

The announcement of Professor Layton and the New World of Steam marks the 10th entry in the Layton franchise and the eighth featuring the iconic Hershel Layton. The last time Layton took center stage was in the 2014 crossover with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Subsequently, Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy which was released in 2017 for the 3DS, followed by a Switch port in 2019, was the latest addition to the series until now.