Based on the comics of the same name, Netflix’s Locke & Key is an adaptation of horror comic series by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. What was initially meant to be a Hulu series, Netflix recently announced that they’re debuting Locke & Key on 7 February 2020.
The story follows three siblings who move to their ancestral home after the brutal murder of their father. While discovering the old house, the siblings find a set of magical keys. These magical keys bend reality and provide the siblings with a vast array of powers and abilities. Unbeknown to them, a demon has had its eyes set on the keys for a long time. Now, it’s got its eyes on them.
Locke & Key is yet another addition to Netflix’s current pool of horror shows. Most of which are extremely popular. Netflix’s Stranger Things is still one of the biggest show in the world right now and The Haunting of Hill House is a top hit amongst fans of horror. Based on how well past Netflix horror shows have done, we think Locke & Key will join them too.
Horror shows are the keys to our heart and we’re keeping our eyes locked on Netflix’s socials for an official trailer sometime soon. Till then, we’re just as excited as everyone else.