In a tale as old as time, the relationship between toys and entertainment has always been intertwined.

So, what happens when the original demographic of Power Rangers grow up? You simply tap onto nostalgia and cultivate the next generation. Then the cycle continues once again.
In a recent interview with Deadline, Peter Lombardo, Entertainment One’s President of Global Television, dropped a big reveal. Instead of making its way to Paramount, the Power Rangers franchise could see itself end up at Netflix. Together with director/producer Jonathan Entwistle, the wheels are in motion.
“Since we set up Power Rangers with Jonathan, we pitched really a whole-world approach. It’s not just one show, it is shows followed by films, some kids’ programming. We have found a great writing partner for him, they are off. Knock on wood, Netflix is excited, we’re excited, we hope to have some news soon.”
Peter Lombardo via Deadline

Entertainment One is now part of Hasbro following a recent acquisition and the company is just getting started. With this news, Power Rangers joins a rich IP bank of Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering shows being developed.
Plus, there’s even a Risk series in the works based on the board game.
Having obtained the license of the Power Rangers franchise way back in 2018, it’s full steam ahead of Hasbro to reap those dividends.
Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!