As you may have read, the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie, slated to open on 8 April in Singapore, has been postponed further from 16th to 23rd April in the U.S. This is unfortunate news for many fans as they have spent 24 years waiting for this reboot. However, what’s one more week, especially when this delay is not all for nothing, as this bad news comes with good reason.
There are reports stating that the studio did this to give Godzilla vs. Kong more time at the box office, since the kaiju sequel has been hitting box office records, but we understand that there’s another reason why Warner Brothers is delaying the film – to add a last minute post-credit scene that ties in with the video game.
Mortal Kombat is based on the iconic video game that took the gaming world by storm in the 90s due to its outlandish characters, animated violence and dead spinning FATALITIES. It has since spiralled into many more sequels and spin-offs, with Mortal Kombat 11 as the latest entry. Fans of the recent games would also point out the fun in how the game has been handling crossovers, as players have seen characters from other properties join the fatal tournament, including Rambo, The Terminator, and The Joker.
Well, in true Mortal Kombat spirit, Warner Bros. has decided to take these crossovers from the game to the next level, and build upon it as a WB Games Universe Crossover, establishing a shared realm among the many realms in the Mortal Kombat game, and to build their own shared universe, after the tepid response to the SnyderVerse.
And who’s first? None other than the policeman of the future, RoboCop. Why RoboCop? Well, if you watch the movie, Jax (Mehcad Brooks) is a Special Forces soldier who gets injured, and is rebuilt with metal parts. And who is RoboCop? A police officer who get injured, and is rebuilt with…. yeah, you know where we’re coming from.
By introducing RoboCop as an addition to the movie, it opens a path for the upcoming Warner Games Cinematic Universe to join the likes of the recent Monsterverse, and possibly take over the DC Cinematic Universe. We’ll buy that for two dollars!
It almost sounds too good to be true and the prospect is certainly leaving us salivating at the prospect. After all, they have been able to bring many IPs together through a massive effort with Ready Player One, so this should be familiar territory.
Because of the late addition, it’ll be unlikely that we’ll see much action from RoboCop, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some of his sweet fatalities from the Mortal Kombat 11 before we see it on-screen real soon. Just don’t expect Peter Weller to reprise the role.
Head here to have a preview of what the post-credit scene is like.
Speaking of RoboCop, there has been no news of his return to the silver screen since December of 2019. However, there is a prequel series in development at MGM based on Dick Jones.