
Microsoft Announces Xbox Series S & Everyone Is Making Fun Of It

Microsoft has officially unveiled its latest next-gen console, the budget Xbox Series S, following a series of leaks.

Unlike its bigger brother, the Xbox Series X, the Xbox Series X isn’t a rectangular box but instead comes in a smaller form factor with a black circle close to one side of the console. As was the case with the PlayStation 5, the internet took one look at the new Xbox console and swiftly did what the internet does best: make memes to poke fun at the Xbox Series S.

It has been less than a day and the poor console has already been memed all over, with users on Twitter commenting on how the console resembles some common household appliances, or a speaker (which was honestly our first thought too).

Without further ado, let’s have a look at some of these hilarious memes and have a good laugh as we await its arrival in stores.

As mentioned, many compared it to household appliances, most often the washing machine and even an induction cooker. It seems most people just really love comparing the next-gen consoles to items commonly found in one’s home, or Microsoft and Sony are simply taking inspiration from our everyday lives.


There were also a sizable number of people comparing the console to a speaker or boombox, such as the one John Cusack uses in Say Anything. Hopefully the Xbox Series S will be much quieter than a speaker. 

Meanwhile, some have even made comparisons between the Series S and a drive-through speaker. Hello, I’ll take a Halo Infinite to go please?

Beyond making comparisons to items, users on twitter have also started making fun Series S editions for the console, featuring popular titles such as Spongebob Squarepants and Fall Guys.

Interestingly enough, it isn’t just the common folks on Twitter that are making memes of the Series S. It seems Corsair is convinced what will help boost the Series S’ performance and make it look that much better is a touch of RGB lighting hence it created a mock-up of what the console will look like with some colourful lights.

As meme-worthy as the Xbox Series S is, there is no doubt that the console will indeed be a much more affordable alternative to the Xbox Series X. The Series S will cost you US$299 while the Series X will set you back by US$499. 

Both the consoles are set to launch on 10 November 2020.

Feature image courtesy of @NextGamer1981.