Even since Final Fantasy VII Remake hit the market, it has been touted as one of the best remakes that sees a faithful nod to the original 1997 game, and fans have already been anticipating part two.
If you own a copy of the PlayStation 4 game (digital or disc edition) and had since upgraded to the PlayStation 5 console, you’re in luck because the PS5 version (60fps performance mode. Yay!), Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is finally released today – all you have to do it download it on the PS Store.
However, the upgrade isn’t exactly a straightforward process as some users may have discovered. We’ve personally tried upgrading our version and it’s a little confusing thanks to the numerous versions of the game on the PS Store, so we’ve tried to make it easier for you.
If you currently have FF7 Remake installed on your PS5…
- Locate your PS4 version of FF7 Remake in your PS5 library and select the “…” button and switch to “PS5 | Full | FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE”.
- Hit the “Download” button to download the PS5 version.
- If you have an existing save game from the PS4 version, you will need to run the PS4 version of the game and head to the “Upload Save Data” option on the game menu.
- Exit the game, then switch to the PS5 version of the game, run it, and go to “Download Save Data” on the game menu.
- Once you’re done, you can go ahead and delete the PS4 version of the game and save yourself a precious 80GB of internal SSD space.
If you do not currently have FF7 Remake installed on your PS5…
- Head your game library or PS Store, and search for Final Fantasy VII Remake.
- You should be able to see a list of all the different Final Fantasy VII Remake versions. Depending on which region your PSN account is in, the list can be quite long and confusing. Just check out the screenshot below for the options on the Asia PSN.
- Look for “Final Fantasy VII Remake upgrade for PS4 version owners (Japanese/English Version) (English)” and you’re set.
You don’t need the PS4 version of the game installed on your PS5 to upgrade to Intergrade.
The Yuffie INTERmission Episode isn’t FREE…
While our favourite ninja Yuffie will be introduced with this upgrade, make no mistake that access to her bonus content isn’t free and you have to purchase it separately for US$20. It’ll only be available once you have upgraded your Remake version to Intergrade.
Unfortunately, if your copy of Final Fantasy VII Remake is claimed via PS Plus, you won’t be eligible to upgrade to Intergrade for free.
If the bonus content still isn’t enough for you to get your Final Fantasy VII Remake fix, these Buster Sword ice trays might do the trick.