It was only just recently revealed that after months of campaigning for its release, fans will finally be able to watch Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League on HBO Max. And now, we finally have our first look at the arch-villain of the movie, Darkseid, with a photo posted by none other than Snyder himself.
In a photo posted by Snyder on Twitter, we see the iconic DC comics villain standing menacingly on the lava-filled planet Apokolips flanked by warships and looking more than ready to butt heads with Superman, Batman, and the rest of the superhero gang.
The caption on Snyder’s Tweet reads “He’s coming… to HBO Max”, is a callback to Lex Luthor’s (Jesse Eisenberg) line from Batman v Superman where he says “He’s coming. The bell has been rung.”
Argo actor Ray Porter has also recently confirmed his involvement with Snyder’s Justice League on Twitter (after getting permission of course), revealing that he was the actor who played Darkseid in the film.
The reveal of Darkseid shows fans can already expect something fairly different from the Justice League released in 2017 as in the original film, it was the villain Steppenwolf that the heroes went against instead of Darkseid, much to fans’ disappointment. Hopefully, the inclusion of the New God in the “true” version of the movie will do Snyder’s original vision justice.
After it was released in 2017, Justice League received mixed to negative reviews from critics and audience alike, which prompted many to start the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, which saw even the stars of Justice League stepping up to voice their support for the release of the Snyder cut.