[UPDATE] With the recent release of Civilization VI as a the free mystery game on 21 May, this pretty much confirms the leak. We will have Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (28 May) and Ark: Survival Evolved (4 June) to look forward to next! [END UPDATE]
December’s typically the month of giving, but it seems Epic Games Store has moved that ahead to May and the start of June. Following an epic (heh) giveaway of GTA V for free yesterday (14 May) that resulted in a massive server outage, gaming enthusiasts have been making speculations about the company’s free titles for the next few weeks.
The Internet, in unsurprising fashion, has some leaks to share. Brought to attention by Twitter user Nibel, who reports on happenings in the game industry, the information first came from a Reddit post, under the heading “Next Free Games (Not Certain)”. In it, Civilization VI, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, and Ark: Survival Evolved are named as the next free games for 21 May, 28 May, and 4 June respectively.
If the source is to be trusted, those are some pretty heavy hitters that should all appeal greatly to the gaming community. As with every rumour or leak, however, caution must be exercised when it comes to credibility, especially since the word did not come straight from Epic Games themselves.
In fact, some observant Redditors have highlighted some cues that point to an unreliable source. One user brought up the difference in font use and backdrop, while another wrote about the imprecise naming convention – the GTA V title given out was the Premium Edition, not the Standard one as shown in the accompanying picture.
Meanwhile, a Thai Facebook post appears to have also caught wind of the leak. The translated text tallies what Nibel wrote in his tweet, and likewise, labels it as a rumour without any official verification.
The situation with GTA V is proof that everyone loves free games, but whether they will play them remains another matter altogether. There’s much to doubt about the leak, and it’d be good to not trust it wholeheartedly. Still, if it turns out to be accurate, then Epic Games better brace themselves for three more weeks of excited scrambling from gamers. Oh, and prepare the servers, too.
Can’t get enough of free games? There’s plenty more to download and play this month.