
All Aboard The Train Back To Westworld For Season 2

In the absence of Red Dead Redemption, the next biggest “western” for geeks is upon us.

Westworld season 2 is a few weeks away and will hit the small screen once again on April 23 on HBO Asia.

As much as we’ve been exposed to super familiar rock tracks for mega Hollywood blockbusters, the trailer features an orchestral cover of Heart-shaped Box is hauntingly beautiful and matches perfectly with the chaos on screen.

The trailer features even more scenes of Shogun World with our favourite characters turning that realm upside down as well.

Looks like vengeance clearly has no boundaries.

Westworld will return for its 10-episode season two, with same time US broadcast, on Monday, 23 April at 9am. The series will be streaming same time as the US on HBO GO.

Have you bought your ticket yet?