
Cuphead’s Old School Appeal Reimagined!

We loved Cuphead for everything that it was, from the old-school art-style to its truly unforgiving gameplay. While the core game might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there is no denying the sheer beauty of its art, and many have lauded the game, deservedly I must say, for its aesthetics and magnificent animation.

Innocent and usually non-threatening objects turning into monstrosities that want your soul? Sign me up!

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The whole package does echo another title that has divided fans as well, the now commonplace comparison of hard games to be Dark Souls-like is a tired comparison, but in this case, the shoe truly fits.

YouTube creators, 64 Bits, has put together a perfect crossover between Cuphead and Dark Souls. It is so well done that you will be left wondering what could have been if such a perfect concoction of two awesome games was made real, and the similarities between the two supposedly different games are pretty stark.

Whether it’s the sheer frustration it can cause gamers, the wonderful and sometimes intricate boss fights in both titles, or even the co-op mechanic, this mashup has touched onto something I never thought I would yearn for.

Can someone make Cupsouls a real thing, please?


And if you thought Cuphead couldn’t go further back in time, check out this 2017 game being played on an artifact of the past!