
Geek Review: Ultra Rare Millennium Falcon Cockpit by Banpresto

Most Millennium Falcon collectibles and playsets feature the whole ship, and rarely just the cockpit itself. A nice representation of the cockpit would be great but those are rare, because the final render of details plus the entire ship ends up being too big. Taking inspiration from the 1/6 Scale Hot Toys Millennium Falcon cockpit, Banpresto’s World Collectible Figure (WCF) released a cute, super-deformed version of it.

This piece is really rare, as it is one of the top prizes (prize B) for a Japanese Lucky Draw ticket (Ichiban Kuji), and it has only been officially released in certain parts of Asia. I couldn’t find much details for this item, but I managed to find an unboxed one off the secondary market, and decided to share my find with fellow geeks.

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Opening the box, the size of the cockpit is about 20cm X 20cm, and is made up of ABS plastic, and comes attached to a display stand. It opens up for you to slot in five figures from the WCF series for the display. Do note this Milliennium Falcon cockpit only comes with the Han Solo figure, and you will need to get Chewbacca and the rest of the usual figures separately from other WCF sets.

This set features the Millennium Falcon from “A New Hope”, and you would need Chewbacca, Luke, Obi-wan and C-3P0 to fill up the cockpit.

The figures can stand by themselves, and also come with a “L” peg to secure it onto the Falcon’s cockpit. Although the figures are not articulated, like all Japanese WCF figures, the details of the figures are impressive and very well painted.

Take a look and tell me that the included details for the Falcon’s seats, control panels and mechanical controls are not impressive? I find your lack of faith…..

There are even more details at the back of the cockpit, where it can fit another figure on the doorway. I am guessing this bit is included in case this piece is displayed in a transparent casing, where it would be visible from all sides.

Although the price for this on the secondary market can be a bit steep (approximately USD$130), it is rather hard to find. I would recommend this to any avid Millennium Falcon collector, or for any collector seeking an elegant way to display their Japanese WCF figurines.