PS5 console

Here’s How To Win 126 Free PlayStation 5 Consoles Via Sony’s ‘Treat Codes’ Campaign

What’s better than a PlayStation 5 (PS5)? A free PS5. From now till 1 March 2022, 14 Treat Codes can be found, with each leading to an opportunity to win a PS5. The codes can be entered on the PlayStation official site from now till 8 March 2022.

Participation is simple:

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  • Sign up by clicking the ‘Enter code’ button on the official page to open the widget and log into your PlayStation Network account ID after accepting the terms and conditions set out in the Official Rules to be able to enter codes.
  • Find the codes, which can appear online, in key locations, or at events across areas such as sport, gaming, film, music, and more. If a valid code is entered, a question will be unlocked and will need to be answered. Answer the question and you will stand a chance to win a PS5.

You can only submit one entry per code found. With a total of 14 codes to find, that means a total of 14 entries per person. Each code consists of 10 symbols which include the triangle, circle, cross, and square buttons, L1/R1 buttons, L2/R2 buttons, and the directional buttons on a PlayStation controller. The codes can also be found online via social media channels such as YouTube, Twitter and the hashtag #PS5TreatCodes. Hints can be found on the PlayStation Blog.

To get you started, you can actually find one of the codes hidden here:

A total of 126 PS5 consoles will be given out for this promotion, but participants must be from one of the following regions – Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States.

For those who have been trying to get their hands on a PlayStation 5, this is a great chance to do so!