The Vatican

The Vatican Has Their Own Minecraft Server To Combat Toxic Gaming

The Vatican has undergone a lot of major changes under the leadership of Pope Francis but honestly, nobody saw this coming. And yes, this is a completely real thing that is actually happening.

Father Robert Ballecer, a Catholic priest and former tech consultant at Silicon Valley has opened a Minecraft server out of the Vatican based on a poll he initially put up on his Twitter account. Minecraft won the poll in a landslide vote, beating out other games like Rust and Team Fortress 2.

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“I wanted to offer one, in particular, that could be less toxic. You can invite people who want to be creative, who don’t want to be toxic, and you create an environment in which people can express themselves and build up a relationship.” Father Ballecer said in an interview with Rome Reports.

Surprisingly, after creating the server at minecraft.digitaljesuit.com, it blew up and was way more popular than any of us could anticipate.

The bridge between science and religion has always been an iffy one and maybe this is the Vatican’s attempt at bringing more young people to the church. Interesting that out of all their major problems, they chose to focus on a video game.