In collaboration with hugely popular manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump, Uniqlo has released the designs for over 40 anime and manga-themed t-shirts! This partnership is in commemoration with the 50th anniversary of Weekly Shonen Jump. This Uniqlo range features designs from a massive library of comics such as Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, and even older, more obscure manga such as Rokudenashi Blues and High School! Kimengumi.
The collection will be released progressively in Japan and Singapore from April 2018 onwards.
Check out these awesome t-shirts.
My Hero Academia (New release from 9 July onwards)
Ansatsu-Kyoshitsu (New release from 9 July onwards)
Captain Tsubasa
Dragon Ball
Fuma No Kojiro
Hell Teacher Nube
Hunter x Hunter
High School! Kimengumi
One Piece
Pyu To Fuku! Jaguar
Rokudenashi Blues
Saint Seiya
Sakigake Otokoju
Yu Yu Hakusho
How many series did you recognize? The full collection, with tees for adults and kids, can be viewed over on Uniqlo Japan’s site (link is in Japanese).