Thanks Hasbro, you have finally brought us the Black Series figure we’ve been wanting for a while. This new Star Wars: The Black Series Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) and The Child Build-Up Pack features not a 6-inch figure of Mando in Beskar armour, but also a removable helmet, The Child (Baby Yoda), and a full suite of accessories.
This is the complete package folks, the accessories include Din Djarin’s blaster pistol, Amban sniper rifle, jetpack, five Beskar steel blocks, hover pram, and tracker device.

This pair makes quite the dynamic duo when paired up.

Djarin’s mudhorn signet is nicely imprinted on the right shoulder plate.

If you were appalled by the face sculpt from Hasbro’s official photos, it actually doesn’t look too bad, as it has captured Pedro Pascal’s face pretty well in reality. Only thing is, his head does seem like quite a squeeze in the helmet, and there’s a slight hint of his chin and some of his hair on the back sticking out of the helmet when its worn.
The pram comes with a removable cover, and transparent stand so that it “hovers”.

As for The Child, although it’s the same size as the original solo release earlier this year, it doesn’t quite carry the same points of articulation. This version of Baby Yoda is locked in a “Force use” pose, with its left arm raised and right arm on the side. The only 2 points of articulation are its head and left palm. It’s not exactly a deal breaker, but one does wonder why didn’t Hasbro just use the same mold from the earlier Baby Yoda Black Series release.
Regardless, it still looks adorable as ever, and the attention to detail, down to the fine white hair on its head is intact.

Beskar steel! Now if only this set came with the container as well…

The Star Wars: The Black Series Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) and The Child Build-Up Pack retails for S$69.90 (US$34.99) and will starts shipping on 1 December 2020.
If you can’t get enough of Baby Yoda, there’s even a Black Series Bike Scout Trooper and The Child Figure and Vehicle Set sold exclusively on Amazon for US$49.99.