
Tangle With Gods And The Underworld In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s New DLC The Fate Of Atlantis

What whirlwind few months it has been for fans of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Ubisoft‘s wildly successful latest entry in the beloved franchise has been laden with tons of new post-launch content in just under half a year of release. And it seems they’ve just gotten started rolling out the big guns.

Starting this week, a brand-new expansion pack, The Fate of Atlantis, will be released. This is the second of three planned expansion packs for Odyssey, with Legacy of the First Blade, releasing in December last year.

Similar to Legacy of the First Blade, The Fate of Atlantis will be introduced in a three-episode format.

The first episode, entitled The Fields of Elysium, will roll out on April 23. It, and the following episodes, Torment of Hades and Judgement of Atlantis, will be scheduled six weeks apart from each other.

To get started on The Fate of Atlantis, you’d first need to complete the Lost Tales of Greece mission Heir of Memories, in which you’ll be transported to the picturesque Elysium, by way of a secret Atlantean portal on the Greek island of Thera.

However, not all is roses and butterflies in the first of three entirely new areas in the game. You’ll be darting and weaving your way through a complex web of secrets and intrigue involving the various gods and demigods — more commonly known as the Isu in the game — throughout.

Think God of War, but without Kratos’ godlike strength to help you out, and instead with the role-playing dialogue options that Odyssey provides. That alone should prove an interesting prospect to play through The Fate of Atlantis.

Persephone, one of the main Isu you’ll be dealing with.

Veterans of the franchise would be familiar with the Isu. After all, they were drip-fed to us across the franchise over the years, first making their appearance in the closing stages of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. After being referenced heavily throughout the main Odyssey storyline, they’ll take centre stage in The Fate of Atlantis. This makes the already over-the-top experience in the base game — what with your cyclops and medusae — feel like child’s play.

The Greek god Hermes, another Isu you’ll meet in Elysium.

Additionally, new gameplay aspects will be added to enhance your late-game experience. The three main skill trees — Assassin, Hunter, and Warrior — will get some nifty new godlike (literally and aptly-named) Ability enhancements that allow you to refine your playstyle more keenly.

Not to mention the various new occult baddies you’ll be testing these new enhancements out with.

Whether you’re trying to unweave the web of intrigue in Elysium, or trading blows with the iconic Cerberus, the new Fate of Atlantis DLC is certainly a looker, and one that screams must-have for any self-respecting Odyssey fan when it drops later this week.