There are times where possibilities become reality, and that certainly is the case for one fan-made Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hills Zone design. First submitted to the LEGO Ideas programme in 2019, the creation is due to become a real box of bricks soon, after receiving the official go-ahead from the company.

The project, which takes inspiration from Sonic Mania’s very first zone, will have LEGO and Sega working together to finalise the design before putting it on shelves.
“I’ve been invested in the world of Sonic for almost my entire life, and it’s such a perfect fit for the LEGO system that I spent about a year rallying support for it to happen,” shared creator and Sonic-slash-LEGO fan Viv Grannell. “Having 10,000 people back my design was overwhelming enough, even with my friends and family behind me, but having it be selected for further development was the most exciting secret I have ever had to keep!”
Getting the official LEGO stamp of approval isn’t an easy feat. For the LEGO Ideas board to consider a proposal, one has to reach 10,000 supporters – which Grannell achieved in March last year – before it can qualify for the review and judging process.
Availability has yet to be detailed, but there’s a chance that more information will drop in June this year in time for the franchise’s 30th anniversary.