Media Molecule’s upcoming game-creation maker Dreams took on a whimsical quality when it was first announced at E3 2015, with gorgeous visuals against a vibrant tapestry of watercolours. The Paris Games Week keynote of the same year placed its beta launch in 2016, before the whole game saw a delay to 2017.
Our #DreamsPS4 Creator Beta is right around the corner, our public sign-ups begin on January 4th. ❤️
Here's our FAQ, covering everything you need to know about the Creator Beta.
— Media Molecule (@mediamolecule) December 18, 2018
As the end of 2018 draws near, the team has finally dropped a date for the highly-anticipated creator beta. Starting from December 19, 2018, subscribers to Media Molecule’s newsletter will get first dibs, while the general public is only granted access from January 8, 2019 onwards.
The demo, which runs through January 21, is set to focus solely on the areas of creation and imagination, thus leaving out the full game’s PSVR functionality. This shouldn’t prove to be a bummer, however: Dreams seems to exemplify the spirit of originality and imagination unhinged, so parties can expect a highly-enjoyable and experiential gameplay session in its original, VR-free form.
The price of exclusivity does come with some caveats, and those jumping into the creator beta will be tasked to sign a confidentiality agreement that restricts the act of sharing or streaming. It’s a reasonable trade-off, too, considering how this marks the studio’s first-ever attempt at extending in-game tools to the general public.
Some additional points to note include region availability in the US, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Australia, as well as an age requirement of 18 and above, alongside a connection to PSN. In-game creations are also expected to carry over to the full game upon release, although other progress will miss out on that privilege.
Apart from the lucky (or loyal) few who subscribed to the studio’s newsletter prior to December 7, the rest of the gaming community will have to settle for the public beta on January 4, with codes coming in on January 8. Slots are limited in numbers, but Media Molecule promises to “try [their] very best” to allow everyone on the sign-up list to flex those creative muscles.