In an unexpected turn of events, fast food giant McDonald’s is stepping into the realm of Japanese animation. McDonald’s has unveiled a collaboration with Studio Pierrot, the renowned anime studio behind beloved series like Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul.
In a teaser video shared across its social media platforms, McDonald’s offered a tantalising glimpse of what this collaboration entails. It features stylishly animated characters alongside iconic menu items like Chicken McNuggets and fries. The video is accompanied by the cryptic words, “everything is about to turn upside down…”
This isn’t McDonald’s first venture into the world of anime. In 2023, McDonald’s Japan captured hearts with a series of animated ads featuring Studio Ghibli-esque art styles and nostalgic lo-fi music, which quickly went viral.
Other McDonald’s animated projects have included commercials in collaboration with the film Suzume, and with Studio Colorido (A Whisker Away, Burn the Witch). With this latest collaboration, it seems McDonald’s is poised to make an even bigger splash in the anime scene.