
Hasbro’s Top Gun x Transformers Is A F-14 Tomcat Autobot Named Maverick

[UPDATE] Maverick has been officially revealed! Head here for official photos. [END UPDATE]

Looks like ’80s kids will have something exciting to look forward to later this year, as revealed by a photo on TFCLUB变盟俱乐部 Weibo, it seems Hasbro’s latest Transformers collaborative line will be a Top Gun x Transformers figure. An earlier 2019 collaborative line was also with an ’80s classic, The Ghostbusters. The line had two Transformers, Ectotron (based on Ecto-1) and the MP-1GB Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition.

The upcoming toy will feature an Autobot named Maverick, and it transforms into an F-14 Tomcat. We’re guessing it’s going to be based off a heavily modified mold of Jetfire (from G1) or Starscream. After all, the original Jetfire was based off Macross’ Valkyrie fighters, which were clearly inspired heavily from F-14 Tomcats back in the ’80s.