
Hacker Targets Respawn’s Apex Legends In Protest Of Titanfall Hacking

Respawn’s Apex Legends was reported to be hacked a few days ago by someone trying to raise awareness of the unplayability of the developer’s other game, Titanfall.

The battle royale’s server playlists were being replaced with a message that read, “SAVETITANFALL.COM, TF1 is being attacked so is Apex”, after which, gamers also received another “Important Message” popup after their games that directed them to the same URL.

The issue has since been fixed by Respawn via a server update published yesterday. Additionally, the studio ensured players that the attack didn’t compromise any personal information or accounts of their players.

Respawn’s Titanfall has been undergoing numerous connectivity and server issues recently to the frustration of many players, with unresolved hacking attempts only exacerbating the situation. Bringing the an-eye-for-an-eye treatment to Apex Legends must have been a desperate attempt, but the hacker seems to have sent his message across successfully since the incident has finally prompted the developers to start working on a fix for its problems.

Despite no data or information breach, it’s still daunting that an AAA title like Apex Legends can be compromised so easily. This goes to show even big studios and games are not invulnerable to attacks like these, and should be careful going forward.

Let’s hope Respawn will honour their promises to fix Titanfall and have its security bumped up to prevent such attacks in the future.