The beloved caper movie franchise that began with Ocean’s Eleven is gearing up for its next chapter with Ocean’s Fourteen. The sequel is generating buzz with the news that George Clooney and Brad Pitt are in discussions to reprise their iconic roles as Danny Ocean and Rusty Ryan. The pair first appeared in Steven Soderbergh’s 2001 remake of the 1960 classic and returned for two sequels, the most recent being 2007’s Ocean’s Thirteen.
In addition to the return of its star-studded cast, Ocean’s Fourteen will see a change in direction. Edward Berger, acclaimed for his Academy Award-winning film All Quiet on the Western Front and the recently praised Conclave, is currently being considered to helm the project, as reported by Deadline. Negotiations with Berger are still in the preliminary stages, with no official offer made yet, but his involvement would mark a significant shift as Soderbergh, who directed the previous three films, will not be directing this instalment.
The franchise took a fresh turn in 2018 with the release of Ocean’s Eight, a female-led spinoff that included Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett and became a box office hit. Given that Ocean’s Eight is set in the same universe, there’s potential for crossover between the casts. The new installment could see appearances from Ocean’s Eight cast members like Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Awkwafina, and Rihanna, alongside other Ocean’s Eleven series veterans such as Julia Roberts and Don Cheadle.
However, the ensemble will miss Bernie Mac and Carl Reiner, who have both passed away since the last film was released. Despite these losses, the return of other core members from the trilogy could offer fans the nostalgic thrill of seeing their favourite characters back in action.
The development of Ocean’s Fourteen marks an exciting new phase for the franchise, blending legacy and innovation in what could become an all-time great heist movie. A prequel to Ocean’s Eleven is also in the works with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling set to star.
While there’s no set release date for Ocean’s Fourteen yet, the sequel promises to deliver a new heist adventure that stands alone while still delighting longtime fans with the return of beloved characters. With Clooney and Pitt potentially on board, and a new director possibly at the helm, the upcoming film aims to invigorate the franchise with fresh energy and ensure its status as a major box office draw and a classic in the heist genre.