
Gears 5 May Be A September 10 Release According To Leaks

The fifth instalment of Microsoft’s long-running third-person shooter series, Gears 5, is reported to be released on September 10 this year.

The first inklings of Gears 5‘s release date were uncovered by Spanish website Generación Xbox, who discovered the game’s box art on a listing in a Taiwanese site.


The box art depicts the familiar face of Marcus Fenix, protagonist of the previous 4 Gears of War games. But this time, he’s shunted to the side, and taking centre stage is Kait, the new protagonist for Gears 5.


First teased at E3 2018, Gears 5 is one of the most heavily-anticipated games for the Xbox One crowd. However, since then, both Microsoft and developers The Coalition have been rather tight-lipped about more details about the game, let alone its release date.

The second half of the year is where most new games would be released, so a September launch might not be an unrealistic date for Gears 5.

Also, it’s way ahead of the potential October – December release schedule for other AAA titles, so that may be a good thing for Microsoft to ramp up the sales for Gears 5.

In any case, look forward to Microsoft’s Xbox E3 press conference on June 9 for more updates on Gears 5.