After the controversy that got the game banned on Steam in both Singapore and Malaysia, Fight Of Gods has been officially green-lit for a Nintendo Switch release. Japanese game publisher Cosen announced at Tokyo Sandbox that Fight Of Gods would be made available sometime this year.
For the uninitiated, Fight Of Gods is a fighting game that pits heavenly beings against each other, the setting being similar to Smite, albeit with more eastern influences (Think Buddha throwing palms at Jesus). The premise creates some interesting combinations and finisher moves that each god would have. Moses splitting the Red Sea as a finisher move sure gave us a chuckle.
The game would be up for sale on the Nintendo Switch store at 1500 yen (~S$18), with all existing DLC characters included. Character abilities would be modified to better suit the Switch platform.
Currently, there is only confirmation of a Japan release, but with the Switch store being region-free, you could still purchase and play without being in Japan. Of course, the game would be in the Japanese language.
If you live in the SEA region, this might be your best chance at experiencing this game. Maybe you could even play it in church.