
Epic Games Store Giving Out 15 FREE Games Daily Over 15 Days For Holiday Sale 2021

This article was originally published on 16 December 2021.

Keeping in tradition to what Epic Games Store did last year during their 2020 Holiday Sale, there will be another 15 PC games released for FREE from 16 to 30 December.

By the time this post is published, Epic Games has already given out three titles for their holiday game giveaway. Do note that you’ll only have 24hrs to claim each game before it’s gone. However, the final game on 30th December will be up for one week to claim.

Without further ado, here are the 15 games released thus far/releasing soon (we will update the list along the way):

Shenmue III.

Regardless if some of these titles are not your cup of tea, nothing really beats the low price of FREE all thanks to Epic Games. Make sure to head on to Epic Games Store and get these games daily!

While you’re at it, don’t forget to also claim the US$10 Holiday Coupon that you can use for purchasing any game priced US$14.99 and above. Happy shopping with your coupon!