
Elvis Presley Film Stars Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus

The effects of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 have plunged the world into disarray. Events like E3 2020 and GDC have been cancelled, travel bans are a real thing now, and not even the nicest man in Hollywood is spared from its nefarious reach.

Both Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson were in Australia for pre-production work of Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis Presley film. Unfortunately, both had been tested positive for the virus.

Hello, folks. Rita Wilson and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches….

Posted by Tom Hanks on Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Warner Bros. also put out a statement, with regards to a member of the production that had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

We have been made aware that a company member from our Elvis feature film, which is currently in pre-production in The Gold Coast, Australia, has tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus). 

We are working closely with the appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone who may have come in direct contact with the individual.  The health and safety of our company members is always our top priority, and we are taking precautions to protect everyone who works on our productions around the world.

The individual who tested positive for COVID-19 is currently receiving treatment.