
Dragon Age: Inquisition, Rise of the Tomb Raider & Control Are Free For Amazon Prime Members This Nov

Amazon has been giving out some pretty big games of late, from Battlefield 4 in June to a trio of LucasArts classics from July to September. And this month, another trio of hard-hitting PC games have landed on Prime Gaming for Prime Members to claim. There’s Control Ultimate Edition (GOG), Dragon Age: Inquisition (Origin), Rise of the Tomb Raider (Epic Games Store) to claim right now, just be sure to take note of the respective end dates (see below) to claim each game.

Upon claiming, Prime Members will be given a unique game code for redemption on Origin (Dragon Age: Inquisition) and GOG (Control Ultimate Edition). Rise of the Tomb Raider has a different approach with Epic Games Store, where Amazon will prompt to link up the accounts instead of issuing a code.

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While you’re at it, don’t forget to claim 6 other free games from Prime Gaming for this month to claim for keeps:

  • BAFL – Brakes Are For Losers
  • Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter
  • Liberated
  • Puzzle Agent 2
  • Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
  • Secret Files: Sam Peters

Amazon Prime Gaming rewards members with monthly free games at a mere S$2.99 per month. On top of that, gaming enthusiasts get to enjoy a constant flow of complimentary, limited-time loot in popular games including Assassin’s Creed: ValhallaApex LegendsValorant, and Destiny 2 every month, which is good value for money and worth more than the monthly fee. This is on top of other perks that come with an Amazon Prime membership, such as access to Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Fresh, and a slew of seasonal deals.