The Daredevil TV series was a hit show that brought a darker, grittier tone to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Now, following the return of the Marvel TV shows to Disney+, it seems like there is a reboot of Daredevil in the works.
The latest issue of Production Weekly, which lists down shows in production, has a section titled “Daredevil Reboot“. It is listed as a Disney+ production, and the producers include the president of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige and Chris Gary. For now, when the series will go into production and who the actors are remain unspecified.
However, Feige has mentioned before that Charlie Cox will be brought back to reprise the role of Daredevil. As such, it is quite likely that Cox will be back to play the familiar role, though nothing is set in stone yet.
The nature of the Disney+ reboot is also up in the air, as there is the possibility of tweaking Daredevil’s origin story established in the original series so it ties in more clearly with the larger MCU. We already see that happening with the cameo of Matt Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way Home, so it is not that huge a stretch. The reimagining is also made possible by the introduction of the multiverse in the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.